Morning Thought Monday March 24th

Good morning.

We are now about 3 weeks into Lent so this is a good time to reflect on those who have less than we do and how we can help.


This year Mustard Seed Jersey is offering a Lenten project to pack a welcome box for a repatriated victim of people trafficking. People trafficking is a fast growing crime world wide and there are a growing number of victims from Romania. When they are eventually rescued and returned to their own country often they have lost everything and have only the clothes on their back. A Welcome Box - which is a shoebox filled with basic toiletries and underwear is a huge help and a real welcome to the usually traumatised victim.


When I was in Romania in December the social worker told us of the desperate need that drives people to risk working overseas without the correct paperwork requirements. She spoke of mothers selling their daughters to buy food for the rest of the family.


We were able to help by providing food parcels for the victims and their families, thanks to a donation from the Rotary Club. And of course the victims  received Christmas shoeboxes in December.


But the need continues throughout the year as more victims are returned to Romania. That is why we provide the welcome boxes. The social worker told me some recipients in 2013 wept and said that never before in their while had they been given a present.


So can you make a difference to someone this Lent by packing a welcome box. Details are available at BBC radio jersey reception or from our website


Have a good day and God bless you, please consider making a difference to someone's life.



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