1 Morning Thought Monday April 24th 2017 (Oscar’s shoes)


“Here are Oscar’s shoes, Rose” Oscar’s grandmother said to me. She handed me a pair of shiny polished children’s shoes, tied together with green string.

“Thank you” I said. I knew there was quite a story with these shoes – let me share it with you.

Months before Christmas when we were busy promoting Mustard Seed Jersey’s Christmas shoebox appeal, I had shown photos to a number of groups mainly at schools or in churches.

Oscar had seen the pictures at one of the presentations. He noticed that in one photo, the child receiving a Christmas shoebox had no shoes. This really troubled Oscar.

So he announced to his family that when he outgrew his shoes he wanted them to go to Romania to be given to a boy or girl (but preferably a boy) who had no shoes. He asked his granny to make sure the shoes got to Mustard Seed.

Those shoes will be on our next aid consignment going out to Romania very shortly.

Oscar saw a need, realised he could help and went ahead and helped. When I first went to Romania, I went with the prayer that God would show me a project, a need that we in Jersey could help with. I still pray that prayer each time I go overseas with humanitarian aid. And God has answered that prayer countless times and in many ways.

Why don’t you look around today and see if you can find a need, then consider whether you actually may hold the answer to that need, whether you can do something about it. Then be like Oscar and respond, help meet the need.

God bless you. Have a great day


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