1 Morning thought for Monday, August 12th


As always when I was in Romania early in June with Mustard Seed Jersey I came back with a number of very strong memories some of which I want to share with you this week and also at least one item that has a special significance to me.

The item of special significance is a scarf it’s not a particularly beautiful scarf but it has a special relevance.

During my week in Romania we did several food distributions where we purchased the food, put it into bags and gave it to those in need. Invariably when we hand out the food parcels the recipients are very grateful – some weep with joy and cannot speak their thanks.

One of the distributions was in the village of Cefa where we have been giving our food parcels for more than 17 years. Of course I only attend two or three of those distributions each year.

At the June distribution, one regular beneficiary had obviously heard that I was going to be there. She had seen me before and is well aware that I am involved in providing the money that buys the food parcels. So when she received her food parcel she came over to thank me and to show the depth of her gratitude she gave me a scarf.

Although she had very little she wanted to show her appreciation and she wanted to give something. I cannot tell you how very humbling it is to be given something by someone who is very poor .

2000 years ago Jesus Christ said it is more blessed to give and to receive.

So as I close this morning thought can I challenge you and ask you to look for ways to give to people today maybe not financially maybe a gift of time, a gift of a smile, the gift of listening to someone who is lonely. Please look for a way to give today. 




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