2 Morning Thought for Tuesday April 25th (Flori’s trophy)


Good morning. Like yesterday’s Morning Thought, this morning’s is about giving. But today I share with you about a gift I was given from one of Mustard Seed Jersey’s Romanian beneficiaries.

The rather scratched and battered little trophy stands on a placque which tells me this was awarded at the Paralympics in Madrid in 1992. It was Flori who gave it to me 7 or 8 years ago. Let me share her story.

Flori was born into a very impoverished family who decided they simply could not afford another baby, so she was abandoned and brought up in the Romanian State Orphanage system. Although she had health problems it was discovered she had athletic ability and she competed for her country; of this she was very proud & happy.

I met Flori in 2003, by this time she was sick, unable to work to support herself. When she could not pay her rent she became homeless, living on the streets. We realised how serious her health problems were before inviting her to live in Mustard Seed’s sheltered apartment where we offered education and helping orphans with obtain employment. All the other orphans were able to get jobs and become independent, but not Flori.

Flori was grateful, very grateful for our help. I know while she was alive, she prayed regularly for each Jersey volunteer she met or had heard of. She had so very little but she wanted to give to us, in particular to me to show her love and appreciation. So she gave me her precious trophy, and insisted that I take it back to Jersey. She was thrilled when I told her it was in pride of place in my bedroom.

Here is Jersey we all have so much, but do we share? Do we share and give away our treasured possessions to someone to show we love them? I leave that challenge with you to think about today.  


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