Morning thought Tuesday July 4th  Bikes


Good morning. I think Mustard Seed Jersey's bicycle appeal this spring was one of our most successful appeals as we received a huge number of bicycles. As a result we were able to meet all the requests we had received from Romania for bikes and have a few extra too. 

In Romania Mustard Seed works with several different trusts. One of the trusts called Agape have a programme for young women leaving state orphanages at the age of 18. Agape’s  programmes help prepare them for life. Most of these young women have successfully obtained employment, often having to travel by bus or a long walk to work. Agape requested 4 bikes which we sent them. 

When I visited about 3 weeks after the aid consignment had arrived the young women were all really excited and wanted to show me the bikes. None of them had ridden a bike before but as soon as they had arrived they began to try and they had been practicing in their yard. One of them was sufficiently competent and confident so now she can ride to work.

So I watched as they rode up and down the yard and around various obstacles and of course I took photos as well. The girls - and many others - thanked me for the aid especially the bikes, we sent this time as it met a need and made a difference. 

Mustard Seed Jersey's  motto is "Your Help Makes A Difference".  

Our name Mustard Seed is based on the parable Jesus told about how in Palestine the mustard seed is a very small seed but grows into a large busy plant offering shelter to birds. That's very much our vision - a small group from a small island but with people's generosity and God's help we make a real difference for good in people's lives. 



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