2 Tuesday April 10th
Good morning and mulțumesc
thank you for joining me again.
As I said yesterday Romania follows the Orthodox Church Calendar. And as
a result that means that a group of just under 20
orphaned young people in Oradea, Romania have just received their shoeboxes.
Let me explain. As you probably know our charity Mustard Seed Jersey
focuses on packing shoeboxes for Christmas. The Agape trust in Romania asked us
to send them Christmas shoeboxes for the young people on their education and
skills programme. These young people who have been through the Romanian state
orphanage system. These shoeboxes were packed and loaded onto the trailer in
BUT just a couple of days before Christmas I had the bad news that once
they had opened all their boxes of clothes we sent them, the Agape trust could
not find the Christmas shoeboxes. Sadly by then the
other Romanian trusts had distributed all their shoeboxes and so those young
people did not have shoeboxes to open on December 25th. We have no idea what
went wrong, but I am certain it was a genuine mistake and not intentional.
Now do you remember that a group from St Paul’s Church went to Romania
in December? Well when they heard what had happened they immediately offered to
organise the packing of Easter shoeboxes for those same young people.
I have no doubt that the Agape trust gave out those boxes to celebrate
Easter Day, which in Romania was April 8th.
Let me close with a quote from Mother Teresa:
“How do you prove that you love God? We prove our love for Jesus by what
we do , and by who we are”
Thank you St Paul’s Church for responding to that need. mulțumesc