2 Tuesday March 25th

Good morning

My morning thoughts this week are based on true personal encounters when I was in Romania with Mustard Seed Jersey giving out Christmas shoeboxes and food parcels almost 3 months ago.


Out of the 3000 plus shoeboxes we sent to Romania in December only a very small number were personalised with the recipient's name on it. But one of them had Florin's name on it.


Florin is almost 20 years old, he has learning difficulties. He lives in a special residential home with other young people with various learning difficulties, their ages range from 5 to over 20.


St Mathews and St Lawrence churches had packed a box specifically for each young person in the home, according to the age and needs. The names had been written on each box.


When Florin was helping to unload the boxes he saw a box with his name on and he was unbelievably excited and over-joyed. Amazingly he was quite content to put the box in the cupboard to be given out on Christmas day. While we take it for granted that our gifts will have our name on, to Florin to have a box with his own name on was very important and significant.


In the book of Isaiah in the Bible we read that God promises he will not forget those who trust in him, describing it by saying he has engraved our names on his hands. So I know He won’t forget me and you can be sure He won’t forget you.


Have a good day.



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