Morning Thought 3 Wednesday April 26th 2017 (Gift of Windows)

I looked with great pleasure at the photo of the doors and windows fitted in the half finished building. Wow what an amazing gift!

As you may know Mustard Seed is working on a building project called Changed Lives, this final building will offer 2 additional accommodation units, shared washing and laundry facilities for up to 25 once homeless people on the site, some living in portercabins and some in our converted aid trailers.

After Christmas Nelu the social worker said he was approaching the building company to ask if they would help us and give us the windows and doors at a reduced price and asked if we in Jersey could pray for this. I told him whatever discount the Romanian company would give us would be fantastic.

I was not prepared for the email I had 2 months ago – Nelu wrote: “I have good news, the building company say they will GIVE us the windows and fit them. Thanks be to God”.

What amazing generosity!

So when I see the photos of the not yet finished building with the doors and windows fitted it reminds me this answer to prayer was way beyond my expectations.

Why was the Romanian company so generous? I have no idea, but I know we had prayed before Nelu asked them for discount. And needless to say since we’ve heard that great news we have most certainly prayed again thanking God.

Can I encourage you to pray for what you need, even if it seems impossible.  Sometimes God answers Yes. Sometimes the answer is Not Yet. Sometimes the answer is No because God has something better in store for us. But in my experience I have found that always without fail God does answer prayer. 


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