3 Wednesday March 26th

Morning Thought

Good morning. My morning thoughts this week are based on what happened during my December visit to Romania. For the first part of my time there, I stayed at Casa Mabel which is Mustard Seed’s residential home for needy pensioners.

One of the carers mentioned to me how important St Nicholas’s Day was to people in Romania, especially the elderly, so as I was at Casa Mabel on the morning of December 6th I gave each old lady a packet of sweets – I think they were Chewits or Fruitella, which I had brought over from Jersey to give away. I was amazed at how thrilled they all were and after breakfast they sat either at the table or in easy chairs sucking away at their sweets.

It was only a little thing, just a packet of sweets. It didn’t cost me much but it mean a lot to each old lady. Their simple joy and delight is one of my most pleasing memories from that trip.

Mother Teresa encourages us all to “Do small things with great love” and giving each one of the old ladies a packet of sweets was a small thing but it brought great joy.

This Lent Mustard Seed hopes to pack up a number of Welcome Boxes for the repatriated victims of people trafficking. Details are available at the BBC Radio Jersey reception or on our website www.mustardseedjersey.co.uk  For you to pack up a welcome box could be doing a small thing with great love.



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