Morning thought 4 Thursday, January 24


Yesterday I shared about a very challenging visit from my last trip to Romania with Mustard Seed Jersey

Today I want to share with you about one of the most encouraging visits from that same trip last month.


Mr Nelu, that’s what we call him, has been on our adopt-a-granny sponsorship program for several years. When we first knew him he was homeless and had some serious medical problems. We offered him accommodation at our changed lives project so this got him off the streets.


Whenever I visited the changed lives program I always saw Mr Nelu . He was incredibly grateful for the help he received. In spite of his medical needs he was keen to work. He wanted to be independent he did not want to be reliant on our help to survive.


Last year thanks to donations we were able to provide him with an ID card and also to help him with much-needed medication. As a result he was able to get permanent legal employment.


When I visited the changed lives project in December I looked out for Mr Nelu but he wasn’t there so I asked the social worker where he was. To my amazement I was told that he is no longer on the program. The social worker was smiling broadly. Then he said “it’s a great success, after he had his ID card, Mr Nelu got himself a permanent job and now he is self-supporting. He has got himself somewhere to live, he can now afford to pay his rent and buy his food and he no longer needs our help

Thanks be to God”.


It is a well known Chinese proverb Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.




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