Morning thought 5 Friday, January 25


Throughout the years with Mustard Seed Jersey I have been in touch with some orphaned young women who I first met him in the year 2000 when they had just left the state orphanage system.

They were terrified and quite clueless, without the life skills needed to survive in a world outside of an institution.

To start with they slept under a bridge but then those girls were fortunate. They were attracted to the church by the singing and the church people befriended them and helped them. Mustard Seed got  involved and we funded an apartment for them for several years.

After a while they had learnt how to budget, to cook, to clean, to plan and they learnt to hold down jobs and they started towards independence.

That was nearly 20 years ago but I’m still in touch with those young women, some of them have got married, some of them have children but most of the group are still together in Oradea.


Without doubt the best evening of my time in Romania last month was when I met up with those girls. I was really fortunate in that my hostess invited us all into her home for a pizza. It was a typical family gathering the orphaned young women played with her children and we all had pizza together. I heard a lot of laughter and I saw so much joy on the orphans’ faces that evening. To be part of a family just for an evening was very special and very precious to them.


We all need to feel we belong, to feel we are loved, to be able to give love.

Mother Teresa said “Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty”.


A prayer: God of the lonely and the unwanted, thank you that you love each one of us. Help us today to show and give your love and comfort to those who feel unloved and unwanted.


Thank you for joining me for Morning Thought this week. Till the next time - God bless you.




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