Morning Thought 3 for Wednesday July 10th 2013

Good morning

I have recently returned from a trip with Mustard Seed Jersey distributing humanitarian aid in Romania. Yesterday I shared with you about one of the lonely old age pensioners I was privileged to go and visit with the social workers. And today I want to tell you about another elderly housebound pensioner.


She was the last one we visited, a lady with only one leg and sitting in a wheelchair. It took her a long time to come to the door, and once we were in her humble home I noticed she was the most cheerful one we visited. A devout Christian she joined in the prayer that was offered at the end of the visit. Then she gave the social worker an envelope and there was a lengthy discussion which I simply could not follow.


The next day at lunch all was explained. It was the one-legged woman's birthday and she had saved a little money from her meagre pension each month to have enough money to buy some pizza. But the pizza was not for her, instead she had given the money to buy pizza to give to the social workers whose support and visits she so appreciated.


As we ate the pizza I felt quite overwhelmed and humbled at the woman's generosity; she had so little yet she had skimped and saved to have enough to be able to provide money to buy pizza for the social workers, including me. She had learnt the truth of the words of Jesus "It is more blessed to give than to receive".


Today perhaps you can give of yourself - give your time, your money to show you appreciate someone, that way you too can prove the truth that it is more blessed to give than to receive.



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