Morning Thought Jan 2013


Monday Dec 31  

Good morning,

I am recently back from Mustard Seed Jersey's aid trip to Romania. Without doubt it was one of the difficult and fraught trips I have known, but the problems culminated in a trailer breakdown in Germany, which could have been quickly repaired had it not been for severe snow disruption which meant the needed part did not arrive. 

So I was in Romania almost five days without Christmas shoeboxes to give out. We visited various families and the projects we assisted and explained that the precious shoeboxes would be coming the next week. 

In one village there is a very poor family who we help. Obviously the older girl, probably aged about 9, did not listen to the fact that the Christmas shoeboxes WOULD be coming but were late this year. She recognised me, knew it was nearly Christmas, so to her that must mean there were Christmas shoeboxes in the van. It was obvious she was excited, she whispered to the younger children and she was jumping up and down in joy and anticipation. 

For Hilary and me it was hard to see her trust and excitement for we knew we did not have what she was hoping for. We realised she had not listened to what the social worker said when he explained about the delay. The child associated me with Christmas shoeboxes and trusted that I would deliver, which I couldn't that day.

I have found there is only one person who never lets us down and that is The Lord. His answers to our prayers may not be what we ask for, His timing is often slower than what we want, but His plans and provisions are best for us.


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