Morning Thought for Thursday July 11th

Good morning

I am recently returned to Jersey after distributing humanitarian aid in Romania.


As part of Mustard Seed Jersey's Adopt a Granny sponsorship programme we often give out food parcels to those in need, especially the pensioners.


The pensioners’ food distribution had been set for 6 o'clock on the Thursday after we had finished unloading our aid consignment. But at about 5 pm the heavens opened, the temperature dropped and there was torrential rain.


Alex the social worker in charge made a number of phone calls to tell people the food distribution was postponed because of the weather.


Just as we were finishing our meal a phone call came from the church hall caretaker. There were over 20 pensioners there waiting  - she had opened up and asked that we should come. So we hurriedly donned our waterproofs and  loaded the food parcels into the van.


Many pensioners had hobbled there on sticks dressed in no more than cardigans which were utterly saturated. Because of poor drainage the water was ankle deep in places. They were soaked.


If ever I had needed proof that the people valued the food parcels I had it that evening. Their action in coming out in such dreadful weather to receive a parcel of food spoke more loudly  and convincingly than any number of words ever could.


Something to think about today: Do your actions confirm the words your mouth says? Or do your actions contradict what you say?


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