Monday August 24th 2015

"Rose they want to give you the rabbits " the child explained in broken English, though I had already guessed what was being said.

I smiled but knowing the child did not understand enough to translate for me I used sign language to refuse, signalling that as I was travelling on the plane I could not possibly take any rabbits. But thank you so much I emphasised.

But inside I was thrilled. Over the last 8 or 9 years Mustard Seed Jersey had invested many resources and  much time and effort in the needy Bogdan family . But it was the first time the Bogdans had ever wanted to give something themselves. So I felt the offer of 2 rabbits (which represented valuable food for their large family) was really significant, really encouraging and showed a change in them and their thinking.

Over the years in Mustard Seed I have seen incredible generosity often from those who have so very little, but value and want to share what they have. Often I have noticed those people in spite of their poverty are the happiest and most content.

Our Lord said "it is more blessed to give that to receive" and it is very true.

So can I encourage you to give today – why not determine to give a smile or a kind word to someone sad or down, give some time to talk to someone who is lonely, give a helping hand to someone struggling to cope. 

God bless and have a good day.




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