Friday August 29th 2015

Whenever I go to Romania with Mustard Seed Jersey I am looking our for new projects to help. This last trip was no different.

The friends I was staying with told me of a small residential home for dementia sufferers, they explained they had recently met them and passed on some surplus bedding from Jersey.

I cannot possibly pronounce the long name of the new trust but translated the name means Association for the Decent Treatment of the Elderly.

I was keen to visit. It was a somewhat bumpy half-hour drive to their village. When we arrived they made us very welcome, explaining through the translator how grateful they were for our help.

I asked what they needed wondering if we might be able to help, top of the list was food, then incontinence pads, then clothes, bedding, and a list of very basic needs.

We went round and saw it was quite over crowded, but they explained the people had nowhere else to go. None could afford to pay the full cost, but paid what they could afford. The proprietors explained they always prayed for whatever was needed and trusted God to provide.

Before we left we emptied the car of the food that had been left over from a previous distribution. As we carried it into their store we realised they had nothing but a bag of potatoes. The cook's eyes filled with tears as she saw the bags of food come in.

They said "we prayed and God has provided for our needs".

That somehow gives fresh meaning to the well known phrase in The Lord's Prayer: Give us this day our daily bread.



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