MORNING THOUGHT for Tuesday November 18th
Good morning. I enjoy looking through photos from my aid trips with
Mustard Seed Jersey and remembering the significance or the memory attached to
those photos.
One of my favourite photos is of a girl called Doris and myself sitting
on her bed. There was little else in that room except a bed and chest of
drawers. But for Doris it represented a huge achievement.
Doris is an orphan, brought up in the state orphanage system. At 18 when
she graduated from the orphanage she was one of the fortunate ones to be
assisted by Mustard Seed Jersey. We provided accommodation and education –
teaching her how to budget, to cook, to do her washing and other skills
essential for life. She lived for years in one of our sheltered apartments. Once
she had employment she began to pay her share of the rent.
At the right time for Doris, she was ready to move on, to become properly
independent, to have her own rented room. O yes she
still regularly visits her friends still on the programme and the social
workers for they are her family, but she is able to be independent now.
I was delighted to go and visit her. Proudly she showed me her room, her
bed, the shared kitchen. I felt so pleased and proud that this young woman who
we had invested in had made good use of the opportunity. She had tried hard and
with God’s help she had succeeded.
A prayer: Lord God
help us to give of our best today making good use of every opportunity. Amen