This morning I want to share with you more about my part in the Mustard Seed aid trip to Romania in the summer.

It was on the Saturday after the opening of the pensioners’ home that a number of people gathered for the Saturday bazaar or market. I noticed rather disapprovingly that one young girl was sitting down on the only seat  while some quite elderly people were standing. Alex is the social worker in charge and I drew his attention to it feeling this child was just so lazy. But he responded “That’s Roberta”. Suddenly it all made sense – that child was not lazy she was ill, no wonder she needed to sit down.

Roberta’s family is one of the families assisted through Mustard Seed’s family sponsorship programme. Roberta suffers from kidney failure and has to have kidney dialysis 3 times a week. Her family are very poor and because of the extra help needed they were included on our programme.

Roberta is 15, but her growth is stunted she looks like a 7 or 8 year old. She is the oldest child in the family but she is much smaller than her younger brother and sister. In fact the sister gave Roberta a lift on the back of her bike as Roberta could not manage to walk back home. For Roberta the future is bleak, although her name is on the list for a kidney transplant, because she is a gypsy she is probably not likely to ever have her name reach the top of the list, as there is still a fair amount of prejudice.

With dialysis 3 days a week and poor health Roberta has hardly attended any school but she is now involved in Mustard Seed’s kindergarten and homework club. For her Mustard Seed gives the chance of some education, a regular food parcel for the family and hope.

Roberta along with all her brothers and sisters will receive a Christmas shoebox from Jersey this year. They each received one last year so they are already looking forward to it. Without doubt it will be their only Christmas present. The family will also receive a good sized parcel of food. If you want to pack a Christmas shoebox or make a donation to buy food, then please get your self a leaflet from the Parish Hall.

Have a good day and be thankful for the health care we have here in Jersey as well as many other benefits we take for granted.


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