Mustard Seed Jersey News letter May 2011


Our first aid trip of 2011 has taken place successfully. Tonnes of clothes, bedding, wheelchairs, doors, windows, plumbing hardware, a three furrow plough, an invalid buggy, bicycles, computers ..........  the list is endless. But so very much appreciated by the poorest of the poor in the Bihor county of Romania.


All the beneficiaries we met were so very grateful and asked that we pass on their thanks to ALL who give, pack, load, drive, fund-raise, pray, assist in any way.

As our motto says:



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Unloading at Cefa


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Representatives from the 7 different trusts in Romania that Mustard Seed assists came to help with the unloading and to identify and collect their packages.


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The unloading was completed in a few hours.


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DISTRIBUTION – our aim to get the goods to those in need

It is always thrilling and challenging for us from Jersey to see how desperately people in Romania value clothes, shoes etc. which we send. The following pictures are of the aid distribution with FI (Fundatia Increderea):

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At the FI office the donated clothes, bedding, toiletries, etc were spread out and the beneficaries selected what they needed.

But it is not just clothes they need. 50 people queued for up to 2 hours to receive a loaf of bread for their family, funded by Mustard Seed.

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 For one man an invalid buggy meant the possibility of moving independently. He lost both legs several years ago.

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Young and old alike were all anxious to receive what they simply could not afford to pay for.

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In June 2010 all pensions were reduced by 15% as the Romanian government tried to save money. But prices of food and other essentials rise and without help some may literally starve to death.



SPERANTA FAMILIEI = Hope for the Family


This foundation focuses on assisting with education and helping single parent families become self supporting. We visited one such family living in a poor area of an affluent village near the city of Oradea:

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Inside the single room house, it was spotlessly clean. (Raul the social worker is the tall one on the left)

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The celing was very low and cracked. The tiny woman is standing next to the social worker.

She has one child as a result of being raped.

She could not thank us enough for our help.

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 The ceiling was cracked and seemed in danger of collapse. A branch supported it.

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        The child was thrilled with the teddy in the bag of clothes.

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The wall of their house is made of mud bricks, like others nearby in this poor community.



Since our last newsletter (where we mentioned our need for funds for new vehicles) we have had some very generous donations which have enabled us to buy a new (2nd hand) lorry and shortly we should have a new (2nd hand) trailer.

We plan to send 2 more aid consignments to Romania this year – one in September and the Christmas trailer in December.

We send funding to Romania to run projects including Casa Mabel (our pensioners’ home); Mustard Seed kindergarten and other education programmes (Homework Club & High School sponsorship); Bread & Food parcels for the poorest at Christmas and in the winter, including repatriated trafficked victims.




PACK A CHRISTMAS SHOEBOX details available on website or at Parish Halls from late September.

HELP WITH PACKING ~  For details contact Rose Helie on 482637 or email Coordinator

HELP WITH FUND-RAISING. ~ Please contact Rose to discuss first.

DONATE good quality bedding, clothing, toiletries, medical apparatus, stationery, educational items, etc. There are occasional collections at Holme Grown Farm Shop carpark in Fauvic. The regular collection places are St Peters Church, All Saints Church, St Marys Church and St Lukes Church  ~ Check the Mustard Seed answer-phone for details or contact Coordinator.

Help with COLLECTIONS and TRANSPORT. ~ Contact  Coordinator.

DONATE ITEMS suitable for CARBOOT SALE. ~ Contact Coordinator.

SUPPORT OUR BOOK STALLS at Rozel Bay & St Johns Village .

PRAY FOR MUSTARD SEED. ~ Details of how to receive a regular prayer update available from Coordinator.

SPONSOR a pensioner through our Adopt A Granny scheme.

SPONSOR a child’s education or a needy family through Mustard Seed’s sponsorship schemes.

If you shop at the CO OP use our divvy number 321340


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