Morning thought. 1 

Monday October 2nd 2017


As it is 84 Days to Christmas it is time to think about Mustard Seed Jersey Christmas shoeboxes. Our leaflets are available at  the parish halls and Les Quennevais Sports Centre. 

This year as well as appealing for Christmas shoeboxes we also appeal to 2 other essential things - more on that later. 


I have been involved in packing and distributing Christmas shoeboxes for over 20 years now. After a very few years,  we in Mustard Seed jersey asked the question What is the point of giving a child lovely toys and new crayons if in January he or a member of his family dies through lack of food?

This led to our money for food appeal. And now every year we appeal food money and the public respond with amazing generosity. We take the money to Romania and buy food to distribute. We also aim to leave money with the social workers to purchase further food parcels for the coldest months when survival is most challenging.  


Christmas is about Jesus Christ's birthday. Here is a passage from the Bible about what Jesus said about giving food to those in need. He said "I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me a drink".  His hearers said "Lord when did we see you hungry and feed you?" And Jesus replied "whatever you did for the least of one of my brothers and sisters you did for me". 


That’s quite a thought isn’t it?


Have a good day.



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