3 morning thought Wednesday, August 14


In Mustard Seed Jersey we always aim to respond to need as we become aware of it and to express our Christian faith in action.


A couple of years ago we became aware that there were a number of the poorest people in Romania who needed medical treatments they simply couldn’t afford. This led to us asking for donations specifically for medical needs.


When I was in Romania in June one of the people I visited lived in a little shack. There was no running water just a pump at the end of the field and her only light was from the solar panel that we had been given to her a few months before. We took a bag of food for which she was very grateful.


Late last year the social worker explained that this lady had lost the hearing in one of her ears and now there was a problem in her one remaining ear so she had desperately needed a hearing aid, but could not afford one. Thankfully we had funds to help


So in June when we visited, the social worker pointed to the woman’s  left ear and signalled to her to show us the hearing aid. He said simply, “Mustard seed paid for the hearing aid - now she can hear again”. The woman beamed her gratitude tears welling in her eyes.


Soon after the time of Christ St James wrote asking which was most important – was it the person’s faith in God or their actions? . In the second chapter of his book in the Bible, James concluded that religious faith without caring compassionate actions is useless and dead. He wrote “Do you suppose for a minute you can separate faith and works and not end up with a corpse on your hands?”




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