Thought 1 for Monday February 8th 2016
morning. 2 months ago I was in Romania with Mustard Seed Jersey distributing
Christmas shoeboxes.
all our shoebox distributions for children take place in schools, and this
time, one of the schools opened on the Saturday so we could give out the boxes.
That particular group of villages were very needy, most families struggled to
survive, their most usual source of food was the city rubbish dump.
we went to the next village which was even poorer and here we loaded the
shoeboxes onto the back of a lorry and walked behind the lorry, following the
Romanian social worker’s instructions as we gave a shoebox to each man woman
and child.
went into a number of the homes which were invariably single room dwellings
made of mud bricks. Most had a smokey wood-burning
stove for cooking and heating. A few lucky ones had electric light. None had
indoor plumbing; normally each block of 4 dwellings shared a stand-pipe and
they were grateful for that.
was also bitterly cold in the village and I felt guilty and privileged that
after we finished that distribution we left and drove in a warm car to a warm
house, with hot water to eat a good meal that had not be collected from the
rubbish dump.
it was a challenging day. But maybe the most challenging thing was seeing the
gratitude and the joy of people on receiving a shoebox full of things like
toothbrushes, soap, socks, etc. There was no grumbling among the villagers,
just gratitude.
the Bible we are often encouraged to be thankful and grateful to God for the good
things in our lives. In that village where they had so little materially, I saw
people who had a grateful and thankful attitude.
Prayer for us today: Lord help us all to be grateful and
thankful for the good things in our lives.