­­­Morning Thought 1 Monday January 9th 2012

Good morning. I returned from Romania just before Christmas. While in Romania I was privileged to be involved in distributing Mustard Seed Jersey Christmas shoeboxes, and that is always a joy – well nearly always pure joy but occasionally it can be frustrating.

It was in a kindergarten where we were giving out shoeboxes when I noticed one child had been given a box for the wrong age group – instead of being for 3-6 the label said it was for an 11-16 year old. But the little chap was delighted with his unopened box. Quickly I found a larger box for the right age and tried to get him to swap. But he would have none of it, he was simply not going to let go of that box.

As we needed to move on to the next distribution,  I had no alternative other than to leave it, but it troubled me that the little chap would be disappointed when he opened his box – the clothes would not fit, the games would not be ideal and might be quite unsuitable. But even although I knew best he would NOT let go of his box, even though it was not the best for him.

We can be a bit like that in life. We can hang on to many things in life that are not the best for us, like habits, or relationships. God knows what is best for us and tries to warn us but we have free choice.  We may choose to hang on to what we know and are comfortable with, rather than trusting Him.



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