Morning Thought 1

Monday January 2nd 2017

Just before I was due to go to Romania to give out the Christmas shoeboxes with Mustard Seed Jersey  I had some good news on Facebook. Staring at me was a picture of Nadine with her new born baby and the biggest smile imaginable on her face. I told you about Nadine in morning thought in July last year......

Nadine was brought up in a state orphanage in Romania and on leaving there at the age of 18 she found herself homeless. It was at this stage Mustard Seed assisted her and her 3 friends. The girls needed much love and training in basic life skills like budgeting, cooking, washing, cleaning, etc. Within a few months Nadine had a job through which she supported herself.

When young people have not received love in their lives, often they find it hard to give love. It is comparatively rare that those brought up in state orphanages go on to have a loving marriage and happy family life. But Nadine knew what she wanted and she kept praying that God would give her a family.

Now 15 years later she is married, living in Tennessee, and just before Christmas she gave birth to her first child. A happy ending , an answer to Nadines  prayers.

New year is often a time when we make new year resolutions. Can I encourage you to pray persistently for what you feel you need, and to keep praying. In my experience God does answer prayer, not always the way we expect, sometimes the answer is a change in us, sometimes the answer comes a long time later.

But be encouraged and follow Nadine's example and pray for your dream.


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