Morning Thought 2
Tuesday August 25th 2015
I first met the Benedek family when I was
distributing Christmas shoeboxes with Mustard Seed Jersey in early December
Then they were living in a tiny freezing leaking shed, with no stove in
temperatures well below freezing.
Thanks to the generosity of the Jersey public, funds were provided
initially to buy a wood burning stove then a brand new porter-cabin. The
generosity far exceeded the wildest dreams of the social worker who tentatively
gave me the budgeted price.
Although I had seen the photos, it was still a huge joy and privilege to
visit the Benedeks last month. They showed me their
immaculate porter-cabin home with great pride and gratitude. I admired the
garden where they were growing vegetables - admiring not just the vegetables
but also their hard work in the garden on a stiflingly hot day. I noticed too
how now Mrs Benedek (who had never smiled in December)
now had a bright peaceful smile on her face.
Using the social worker to translate they pointed to the porter-cabin
and said "It is a gift from God".
Yes I thought, it is a gift from God, using the generosity of the Jersey
public to make people's hopes and dreams come true. It is such a privilege to
be a link in the chain giving people that helping hand they need.
I personally thank God for the privilege of seeing dreams come true like
this and for the generous compassionate hearts of people on this island.
God bless you – have a great day.