­­­Morning Thought 2 Tuesday January 10th 2012

Good morning. I returned from Romania just before Christmas. While in Romania I was privileged to be involved in distributing the Mustard Seed Jersey Christmas shoeboxes, and that is always a joy and sometimes a challenge. We all know how good it is when someone really shows their gratitude for something we give or do.

The little lad did not need to use words to thank us for his Christmas shoebox, the expression on his face, the way he held the box and kissed it said more clearly than words ever could, that he was so very grateful.

Later I visited a homeless family, the wife and children were staying with her sister but there was no room for the husband and he was sleeping somewhere else. Mustard Seed has a couple of houses in that isolated village and it so happened that one house had just become vacant, this was because we had told the family living there that they must clean up the rent free house and garden. But they had left instead. So we had a vacant but quite frankly rather messy house in need of a good clean and minor repairs.

We agreed that the homeless family could move in, emphasising they would need to do some cleaning up first. I do not think I have ever seen such joy and relief as I saw on that man’s face when he realised the family could be together again. Like the child he really did not need to thank us with words, the tears in his eyes, the joy on his face said thank you more clearly than words ever could.


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