Thought 3 for Wednesday February 10th 2016
morning. 2 months ago I was in Romania with Mustard Seed Jersey helping with
the bread distribution.
the last 5 years, we have been raising money in Jersey and buying bread in
Romania in the winters. It continues to amaze me how eagerly the people come to
the distributions, always arriving several hours early, in spite of the cold.
greeting some of those I knew in the crowd, I stood back and waited and
is a list of beneficiaries, each one’s circumstances have been checked out to
ensure they really are in need, only then do they go on the list and receive
the van arrived and it was amazing how calmly they all waited for their name to
be called. I watched and found my eyes drawn to Lina, noticing how intently she
listened for her name. I knew where she lived – for she lives in Mustard Seed’s
old trailer which has been turned into accommodation in a village outside the
city boundary. She is over 70 years of age, but the bread was so important that
she had walked from the village. Now if you were driving I am sure it is nearly
10 miles, but I
know it will be less on foot.
waited, listening intently – as soon as her name was called, her head and her
hand went up and she called out, then she moved forward to claim her bread.
Carefully almost reverently she put it in her bag and covered it. When the
distribution was over, she left to walk back home with her precious bread.
Christ spoke of the importance of commitment and of being single-minded in how
we follow Him. I believe I saw a good example of being single-minded and
committed in the elderly Lina, walking probably 15 miles in all to collect 2
loaves of bread.
prayer for us today: Lord God help me to get my
priorities right today and to concentrate on what is important.