Morning Thought 4

Thursday May 7th 2015

Buna Dimineata   that is Good morning in Romanian.

As I have said each morning I find it is incredibly rewarding to witness the evidence that the financial and material aid from Mustard Seed Jersey make a huge difference to the beneficiaries. So many of our sponsored families and pensioners have serious health issues preventing them from being self sufficient.

Let me share with you this report received recently from the Romanian social worker:

For the Murgaly family the help each month is heaven sent, it buys food and pays their utilities bill. They all live in a small room  about 3 X 4 metres. Some of them sleep in the one bed others sleep on the floor. We gave them some blankets received from Mustard Seed, as they were so cold sleeping on the floor.

But in January the husband was ill, he needed urgent surgery to remove his appendix. But they could not afford to pay for the surgery. But just when it was needed the extra donation came from the sponsor and it was exactly the right amount needed to pay for the surgery.  So Mr Murgaly had his surgery. But without that money he couldn't have this operation. Probably he would have died without surgery.

You might say the timing and the amount was a lucky co-incidence, but I believe that God prompted the sponsor to give just the right amount of extra money at just the right time to meet the need.

Have a good day – Buna Dimineata


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