Morning Thought 5 for Friday October 21st 2011.

Good morning. Part of Mustard Seed Jersey’s Christmas appeal is always an appeal for money to buy food. Each year we take money with us to Romania and guided by the social workers we purchase food for needy families and needy pensioners. The people who benefit are the ones struggling to survive, especially in the winter when there is heating needed as temperatures drop.

So we go the largest best value supermarket and purchase in bulk. Later we make up the food parcels – nothing fancy just the basics: flour, sugar, oil, rice, pasta, if funds allow we include margarine, tinned pate, seasoning and sometimes the luxury of tinned meat.

Mainly the recipients will come to the Romanian charity’s office to receive their food parcel. They will always arrive early to be sure not to miss out. If they see the Jersey visitors they come over to thank us often weeping and kissing our hands.

But I personally find it most moving to go to the homes of the housebound to give them their food parcel. Often they have seen no-one all day so our visit is something special as well as receiving their food parcel.

In a poor area of town, it was absolutely freezing in one woman’s apartment – knowing all apartments have heating provided I was shocked. Then I noticed the radiators were missing. The little old lady explained that with her pension she could not afford the heating bill and the rent, so she had had the radiators disconnected and taken away. Otherwise for non-payment of the heating bill she could be evicted and thrown onto the streets.

I’ll end with a quote from Mother Teresa: “At the end of life we will not be judged by how many diplomas we have received, how much money we have made, how many great things we have done. 
We will be judged by the challenge of the words of Jesus"I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was naked and you clothed me. I was homeless, and you took me in.” 


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