1 Monday October 1st.
Good morning. I know it seems very early with too warm weather to be
thinking about Christmas shoeboxes but the Mustard Seed Jersey Christmas
shoebox leaflets are now available in the Parish Halls and Les Quennevais Sports Centre.
I personally have been involved in packing and sending Christmas
shoeboxes for over 20 years now, so I guess you could say I am hooked! Very
early on - 3rd year I think, something happened that really crystallised my
thinking about the importance and relevance of a shoebox.
I had included my name and address in a card in the packed shoebox. To
my surprise and delight I got a reply, written on very thin paper but full of
gratitude. The writer a girl called Eva included her address. Knowing the boxes
were given only to those in need I wrote back and sent a 5 dollar note which I
knew would more than cover the cost of the postage of her letter. The reply I
had a few weeks later dissolved me to tears.
Eva wrote : “On the morning your letter came,
we had no money, no food. So my parents and brothers
and sisters knelt down and prayed to God to ask him to provide food for us that
day. Then your letter arrived with the money inside. So
we could eat. We thank you for your kindness. We thank and praise God for his
faithfulness and his provision”
Over the next few mornings I will be sharing some more of my experiences
involved with our Christmas appeal. I hope you will consider collecting a
leaflet and packing a shoebox.