Morning thought for Monday May 16th 2016

Good morning. On Friday of this week Mustard Seed Jersey will be teaming up with the Shelter Trust to run the annual Tinathon appeal in Wests Centre. This is when we ask members of the public to donate tins of food. Half will stay in Jersey to benefit those assisted by The Shelter Trust, half will go to Romania to people in need there.

I believe it is so important that the public know how their donations are used, so I can speak with authority about the difference this help will make in the Bihor county of Romania. But I cannot tell you of the need in our island, so a trustee of The Shelter Trust will share with us all on Thursday and Friday.

To be honest it never ceases to amaze me that in a country in the EU, there are hundreds of people in real need in just the Bihor county – and there are 44 counties or areas in Romania. We will give our share of the tins to 4 different Romanian trusts – one has an outreach to the homeless, three have outreaches to needy pensioners, providing regular bread and food parcels as their funds allow. Another runs a residential home for dementia sufferers, but they receive little or no help from the state. Their residents have no money except their pensions so it is impossible to make ends meet without outside help. 9 months ago when we took food there the cook and proprietor both wept as their store cupboard was empty and they had been praying that God would provide.

I hope you will consider donating a tin or two. They need to be well in date please. We would love to see you at Wests Centre between 8 am and 2.30 pm on Friday the 20th.

But if you don’t want to come to town, there are also collection bins at Waitrose and Holme Grown this month. In June there will be a collection bin at the CoOp Grande Marche St Peter.

Have a good day and God bless you.

