5 Friday October 8th

Morning Thought

Yesterday I spoke about how my late husband had responded to a need for Wellington boots by appealing for the goods over here in Jersey.


Very early on in my time with Mustard Seed Jersey I realized that poor footwear and poverty go hand-in-hand. Over the years I have come to realize that inadequate shoes and lack of medication are keys signs of poverty.


I remember one time nearly 20 years ago just before Christmas doing a phone interview with BBC Radio Jersey.

Now it worked out that that day we had visited an isolated and impoverished  village to give out Christmas shoeboxes and had been appalled to see children barefoot in the snow running out to get their shoeboxes.


So I spoke about this on the phone to the radio. Clearly that account moved different people in Jersey because within a couple of hours one of the trustees was in touch to say money was arriving to provide shoes.


It was really very exciting and to our joy we were able to purchase shoes to help that desperately poor community before we came back to Jersey ourselves.


Christmas is the time that we celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ. This is what he said about reaching out to those in need

“Come you who are blessed by my father God. For I was a stranger and you invited me in I needed clothes and you clothed me.”

Now His followers couldn’t understand that and they asked “ Lord when did we see you needing clothes?”.

And Jesus replied “truly I tell you whatever you do for one of the least little ones you do it for me”

That is quite a thought to take with us through the day isn’t it.




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