1 Morning Thought

Rose Helie Mustard Seed Jersey

Monday October 3rd 2016

Good morning. It’s that time of year again when Mustard Seed Jersey asks the public to consider packing a Christmas shoebox for a needy person in eastern Europe.

Our appeal leaflets are available at Parish Halls and Les Quennevais Sports Centre or visit our website  please do read a copy as there is an important change this year.

I can well remember 2 specific children from my first ever trip to Romania to distribute Christmas shoeboxes 20 years ago. I guess that’s when I got the shoebox bug!

The first – a girl screamed with delight and excitement on opening her box. It was so good to see. But the item she singled out that brought her the most joy was a toothbrush. Yes I did say a toothbrush, I found it hard to believe that that was her favourite item in a box of goodies. But to her a new toothbrush meant the world.

The second child was a boy aged about 8. He opened his box eagerly for he had had one the previous year so knew what to expect. He excitedly took out the contents, then he started to sob and they were the most deep heart-rending sobs imaginable. There was no toy car in his box, so he knew he had no chance of a toy car to play with till the next year’s shoebox came.

2 small objects that made such a difference to the recipients. Mother Teresa – or I should say Saint Teresa of Calcutta – said “Do small things with great love”. We will all have chances during today to do small things with great love.

God bless you, have a good day and watch out for opportunities to do small things with great love.

