5 Oct 7 Friday

Good morning. It’s that time of year again when Mustard Seed Jersey asks the public to consider packing a Christmas shoebox for a needy person in Romania.

You can get our appeal leaflets are available at Parish Halls and Les Quennevais Sports Centre or visit our website.

Last year was the first time we went to one particularly challenging village. The community lived well away from the main road, along muddy tracks. The dwellings had no electricity, and the water supply was a stand-pipe serving 4 or 5 dwellings. No cars, not even evidence a horse and cart. Most had no permanent work and when casual work was not available fed their families by scavenging on the city rubbish dump.

This had to be one of the coldest but most satisfying and rewarding shoebox distributions, for without a shadow of doubt we were giving to people in the greatest need.  We followed behind the truck listening to instructions. “A man, a woman and 3 kids – 2 for the 3-6s and 1 age 1” then we took the appropriate boxes to that dwelling and went back to the truck for the next instructions.

The people seemed dazed. It was the first time they had received shoeboxes and they couldn’t understand why these strangers were giving them something for nothing. It was as though they thought it was too good to be true. If we go back this year I am sure it will be different, more evidence of joy as they will know what to expect.

I went home from there, tired and cold but profoundly grateful for the difference we had been able to make. It is my hope and prayer that this year’s appeal will also bring hope and joy to those in need.

God bless you, have a good day and please be thankful for the good things we have.


