3 Wednesday October 5th
Good morning. It’s that time of year again when
Mustard Seed Jersey asks the public to consider packing a Christmas shoebox for
a needy person in Romania.
Our appeal leaflets are available at Parish Halls
and Les Quennevais Sports Centre or visit our website – please do
read a copy as there is an important change this year.
“Does a shoebox really
make a difference?” I have been asked that questions sometimes rather
sceptically a number of times. And always I answer with an emphatic Yes. I have
first hand experience of distributing the shoeboxes
so I know that for the poorest Romanian recipients to receive a shoebox is hugely
For the frailest of the
pensioners we take the boxes to their homes. And
certainly little Maria was frail, crippled with arthritis she could barely
move. The social worker called out to her then used the key she had given him to
get in. It was a very basic room where she spent all her days. She smiled with
pleasure at our visit and her smile got even broader when we said we had a
shoebox gift for her.
Carefully we opened the
box for her and held it so she could take out the items.
She was really pleased and happy with all the contents, but when she came to a
packet of socks her smile grew wider and she excitedly said “I have been
praying for some socks, because I need some more. See God has provided me with
5 new pairs of socks through whoever packed this box.” She turned to me and
said “You must say thank you to the person for me. But I am going to thank God
for hearing my prayer”.
God bless you. Have a
good day.