Morning thought 3

Wednesday August 15th 2018


Good morning.

Today we continue to think about Mustard Seed Jersey’s Changed Lives project in Romania where we offer accommodation and the chance of a fresh start to some who are homeless.

For some (as I told you yesterday) it will prove to be a transit home, getting them out of a difficult situation and then later they move on.

But for some it is a home for life. Such a person is Edina. She was one of the very first residents.

Because she is illiterate she had been deceived into signing papers gifting her family home to a trickster and then she was made homeless. Nelu the social worker found her in a homeless shelter, still quite dazed and traumatised by what had happened months before. And so we moved her into Mustard Seed’s converted trailer several years ago.

Each time we visit Edina, she weeps and tells us how grateful she is for the security of somewhere to live - I suspect she wouldn’t have survived another winter on the streets. Often she goes over the horror of what happened to her, but then her smile comes back, as she is happy now and feels safe.

In spite of having been tricked and betrayed by people she trusted, she has trusted again and feels secure with us.

She says Mustard Seed’s old trailer is her home for life and that when the time comes, she hopes to die there.

In Mustard Seed we feel privileged to be able to lend a helping hand to people in need. We remember that many years ago Jesus Christ said “Come to Me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest”.



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