Morning thought 3

Wednesday August 26th 2015

Yesterday I talked about the rewards of seeing people's dreams come true through Mustard Seed Jersey's outreach to the poorest of the poor in Romania. But last month while I rejoiced with the Benedek family, a few minutes later I was nearly weeping with Aleena.

Aleena is a small elderly lady in her late seventies. She now lives in our second portercabin, which is divided in two to accommodate 2 single pensioners. Aleena used to live in a neighbouring city in Romania. After her husbands death she found herself completely on her own, but she had the security of owning her own apartment.

Then someone she trusted persuaded her to sign a paper, because she trusted them and cannot read much she signed it. Unknowingly she signed away her rights to her apartment.

The person she had trusted then turned her out onto the streets. She was homeless sleeping in the night shelter when Nelu the social worker found her. He gave her a place in our accommodation.

Months later, Aleena wept as she told me her story, how she was tricked and lost her home. She is so grateful for all we have done and tells us she thanks God for our help each day but it still hurts when she remembers what happened.

Sadly Aleena's story is all too common in Romania.

If you can, please pray for Aleena and for many others like her, that somehow justice will be done and that God will heal the hurts.

And during your day, should the situation arise, do think of Aleena and stand up for the rights of those who cannot defend themselves.



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