Morning thought 3


Wednesday  May 22nd  2019


In the Bible, we read several times that Jesus was moved with compassion when he saw need. We learn how he responded with help. To see people’s compassion in action is always exciting and last month, I got the privilege of seeing just that.

Earlier this year one of the trusts in Romania we assist asked if we could provide funding for Ioli. Ioli  was brought up in the Romanian state orphanage system. She lived on the streets for a number of  years and desperately needed extensive dental work.

Ioli is now with a Romanian charity that is helping her get her life together. She realised just how bad her teeth were and was very self-conscious about them, trying to hide them. However, a local dentist in Jersey heard about Ioli’s need  and offered to do the work free of charge. Last month, she was one of three visitors staying with me from Romania for a week. Ioli received nine crowns, three implants and now has a new confident smile. She is longer tries to hide that beautiful smile thanks to the generosity and compassionate response of the dentist. This has genuinely changed her life.

All of us have opportunities in our daily lives to ignore need or to respond with compassion. In one of the gospels we read how Jesus responded with compassion towards a weeping window as she buried her only child; he stopped the funeral procession to help. I encourage you to look out for opportunities to respond with compassion today, as Jesus Christ himself did.



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