Morning thought 5


Friday 24th May  2019


On Monday I told you of Nadia who is now making a new life for herself outside Romania. Over the years Mustard Seed Jersey has helped a number of young people brought up in the notorious state orphanages in Romania. One of the other young women who was with Nadia in a state orphanage is Mariana. She too left the state orphanage at 18.

She needed help to get her ID paperwork in order to learn how to survive outside an institution. She had to learn needed life skills and to find and then keep employment.

Whenever I saw Mariana and the other young women in the apartments they would proudly show me the various items they’d received from our aid consignments. Like all the girls at first Mariana was terrified of men. It took years for her to trust and relax with any of the Mustard Seed male volunteers.

Mariana now lives in Oradea in an apartment with several other young women who like her grew up in an orphanage. She is employed by a charitable trust and works at the hospital for sick children assisting the staff in caring for and playing with the children. Sometimes she works on the ward where the abandoned small children are. She especially likes it there and says she aims to give the abandoned kids as much love and time as possible.

A sad smile crossed her face. “I know how much these little ones need love and attention. I am so blessed by the love and care I have received from the charity since I left the orphanage. I want to give back. I feel God has given me this opportunity to give love to children whose birth parents have abandoned them. God loves me and I know he loves each of them. I can be God’s hands and give them love”



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