Morning Thought for Friday February 13th
Good morning on this last morning of my Morning Thoughts this
time I want to share with you about what both my husband and I agree was and is
the most encouraging part of our last trip. In December a
group of nine of us from the island were privileged to go to
Mustard Seed has been assisting needy people in
One of the characters we got to know is Valentine. When we
first knew him he was a small skinny difficult ten year
old. It was decided he was educationally
subnormal and he was clearly hyper-active. When we first knew him he was filthy
and on one of the first visits when a volunteer hugged him, she found she had
caught fleas. But over the years we have seen him work hard at
school, make good progress, mature and really improve himself.
When I presented Morning Thought in 2007, one morning I spoke about Valentine.
It was then that we had heard that he was starting to build himself a small
house in the gypsy
When we went to Urvind this time we
met up with Valentine and he proudly invited us to his home. To be honest, it
is rather a Keith
Robinson affair, a one room house built with mud bricks without a
single straight wall in it, and with a window, door and furniture from one of
the Mustard Seed aid consignments. But I
was impressed, very very impressed and pleased and
so was my husband – this is Valentine a disadvantaged lad rising
above his difficulties and taking full advantage of the opportunities he was
given. His little house is wind and water tight – how many of us could build a
house to live in made out of mud bricks and
scavenged materials?
Phil and I both felt so proud of Valentine and what he has
achieved, it brought a real lump to my throat. And we feel so very privileged
to have been a part of the provision that has ultimately made Valentine become
self-sufficient and independent.
In the Bible we can read about how Jesus Christ spoke about
His pleasure when His followers make good use of the talents and resources and
opportunities offered to them. The Master said “Well done you good and faithful
servant” to those servants who received talents and put
them to work and increase. But to the servant who did nothing with the talent
given to him, the Master was disappointed and took away that talent and gave it
to someone else who would put it to good use.
A prayer: Lord God help us to make
good use of all the opportunities that come to us today.