We are thrilled at the fast progress of this project: we began the appeal for funds in May 2007, laid the foundations in the summer of 2008 and built the outer shell in autumn 2008.

At the end of February, we heard from Alex Stroie that the home should be open in May. This is a month later than originally planned and is because as the worker responsible for the heating system and the plumbing has had a close family bereavement and has had to stop for a few weeks. Also the weather has been severe and this has also delayed them.



Earlier this month the adoption procedures for Kathy Langston to formally adopt her two foster daughters Codi and Andrea. Kathy has fostered them since they were babies abandoned at the hospital for sick children in Oradea. There have a number of delays and traumas in the lengthy process for Kathy to adopt these 2 little girls.

Through funding she receives from Canada Kathy continues to hire workers in the hospital for sick children to care for the handicapped and abandoned babies.



Nelu is an experienced social worker with Fundatia Increderea (FI), assisting needy pensioners, youth, families with very real commitment, care and compassion.

Soon after we returned from our December trip to Romania we received bad news that Nelu has contracted a life-threatening liver disease through past poor hygiene when he had dental treatment. Sadly many other people are also infected in Romania which has the highest instance of this disease in Europe. Possibly because of economic reasons the Romanian government is not funding the expensive interferon course of treatment until the disease has progressed to a serious level, which inevitably results in a less successful treatment outcome. So to have the treatment quickly means the patient has to fund it him or herself. The cost in Romania is the equivalent of £18,000. Nelu’s family and friends can raise a maximum of £7,000 but Nelu and his wife Cristina have asked us if we can help raise the balance of £11,000. Because we think very highly of Nelu and the work he does we have said we will try to do this.

We hope to raise this money this year and would be thrilled if anyone can assist us.



·         Concert at St Lawrence Parish Church Thursday March 26th 7.30 pm - retiring collection – money towards Nelu’s treatment. Please support this

·         Aid trip to Romania late April – this trailer will take over the boxes packed by sponsors for their sponsored pensioners. [The trailer is already over half filled]

·         Songs of Praise at Reg’s Garden Sunday May 10th 3 pm – retiring collection for Nelu’s treatment.

·         Probable trip for supporters to Romania in time for opening of pensioners’ home – over school half term holiday week at the end of May. [Please contact Rose if this is of interest to you]

·         Songs of Praise at Samares Manor Sunday June 14th 6 pm – retiring collection for Nelu’s treatment.

·         Songs of Praise at Reg’s Garden – time to be confirmed.


Contact Mustard Seed Jersey




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