Morning thought Saturday 7 November 2015

Good morning. I have been involved with humanitarian aid distribution for more than 20 years but there are times that something occurs that just re-enforces to me just how rewarding it is.

Last December we appealed for funding to provide a porter-cabin for the Benedeks a homeless family sleeping in a leaking freezing shed in the city of Oradea, Romania.. The public response was superb and funds were donated and in the new year the family rehoused in a new porter-cabin to their initial disbelief and then great joy.

After living in the porter-cabin for 6 months the Benedeks asked permission to invite a handicapped young man living on the streets to share their comparatively small porter-cabin. Their reasoning was - we have been helped and now we want to help someone else. So now this young man with learning difficulties is no longer on the streets but living in the porter-cabin with the Benedek family. It is undeniably cramped, but the young man is thrilled and grateful and the Benedeks are pleased to be able to help someone else in need.

2000 years ago Our Lord said to his followers "Freely you have received, now freely give". My question to you and to myself is how generous are you - how generous am I - in sharing the good things we have received with those in need. And remember need does not have to be material or financial, it can be emotional, sometimes all we need to do to make that difference in someone’s life is to spend some time with them, even sometimes just share a smile.

God bless you and give you opportunities to bring joy and encouragement to others today.


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