Standing order form

Date: …………..


To the Manager ..……………………………….… Bank 


Bank’s address ………………………………………………………………..…………




Please pay the sum of  £…………………………………..…………… in words & figures


starting on ……………………. and thereafter every month  on the …………day until


*     I/we cancel these instructions  *       Delete if  appropriate


*     OR for a further 6 payments making seven payments in total *         Delete if  appropriate


Name of Account to be debited: ………………………………


   Account number: ………………………………


    Bank Sort Code: ………………………………


Account to be credited: Mustard Seed [Jersey] Sponsorship Account,

       Red Houses, St. Brelade, Jersey.

Account number: 51143638                          Bank Sort Code:  40-25-41


Signature/s:  ………………………………………








Please return to Adopt A Granny, Mustard Seed Jersey, Cardiff House, St Peter, Jersey JE3 7EJ