Morning thought for Sunday November 8th

You do not need me to tell you that Today is Remembrance Sunday the day we especially remember and honour the memory of those who sacrificed themselves in various ways to safeguard our freedom.

For many it is a day of great importance, stirring good but sad memories, pride and loss. I have thought hard how to relate today to my work and experiences in Eastern Europe. Certainly what I have seen in different countries in eastern Europe has made me really very grateful for the freedom we count as normal here.

I remember our first visit to the Republic of Moldova. It had been a very long process to gain admittance to the country. We spent many hours in the no man's land between Romania and Moldova, getting countless pieces of paper stamped while armed guards looked on and yelled if we went the wrong way.

Once we finally got into the country, it seemed nobody smiled or relaxed. We were struck by the obvious unease with which the people viewed us, even when we handed out food, and other benefits, it proved very hard to talk with them. They were constantly looking around to check nobody was within earshot. It was the pervading sense of fear and lack of trust that struck us on the first visit. I still remember it 15 years later.

Today I thank God for the sacrifices made in the past that mean we on this island today are not bound by fear but can relax and trust.

Here is a short excerpt from Ruth George’s poem

I heard the bugle, the hills echoing its tone,
Paying tribute to each soldier, no one was alone.
It seemed as if I heard each one of them say,
"For your Tomorrow, we gave our Today."

God bless you and take a few moments today to be thankful. 


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