April 2010


From Kathy Langston (outreach to abandoned children in hospital and a small number of poor families)


Dear Volunteers at Mustard Seed Jersey,

Thank you for all your hard work in preparing and bringing aid to Romania. It is extremely appreciated by the people here.

Thank you very much to all you volunteers who work packing boxes. I've been in your loft and I've seen the hard work that you do. The poor people here who are very needy appreciate everything you send. Everything is of benefit and is a great help for them. It is a comfort for them too, to think that people very far away care enough about them and their situation to concretely help them. We admire you for your years of hard work and dedication in sending aid to Romania.

Once again, that you all very much for all that you do, and may God bless you for your generosity of heart!

love from us all, Kathy Langston


A special word of thanks to the drivers from Kathy:

I'm sorry that lately I haven't been able to be at unloadings because of the time clash with picking Andrea up from kindergarten. Angela thank you for making this past trip with David. That was very good of you, I know it's an extremely long trip.




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