Morning thought 4 Thursday 22nd April
Good morning. Around my home I have a number of plaques that say “prayer
changes things”. When I go to Romania I usually go and worship in the little Vineyard
church near Oradea. Although the congregation is Romanian whenever
English-speaking people are in the congregation they will graciously translate
the service into English which is a huge help. On the Lectern they have a large
plaque that says PRAYER CHANGES THINGS.
Having been a Christian for over 50 years I have often proved the truth
of that saying that prayer changes things.
In Mustard Seed we have had innumerable answers to prayer for small
needs and for big needs - small needs like the right person turning up at the
precisely right time to help out when you were struggling. And big needs like the
totally unexpected provision of funding for a project in Romania that seemed
At the end of February Nelu from Romania asked
us if Mustard Seed could help with funding to set up a vegetable growing
project that would be an ongoing help to a number of needy people with health
problems The problem was that it would cost £3500 to set up. We did not have
that amount of money available. But we prayerfully made the decision that
during the month of March if any donations came to us that were not allocated
for a specific project then we would put them across for the vegetable project.
I would never have expected to reach that total in a month. But prayer changes
things. Nelu was praying in Romania and we were
praying in Jersey. Let me cut a long story short: the money came in from
various unexpected sources during the month of March. And at the beginning of
April we were able to send £4000 to Romania for this project. Thanks be to God.