Thursday April 3rd 2008  MORNING THOUGHT


Good morning. In Mustard Seed our motto is “Your help makes a difference” and during these morning thoughts I want to share with you some true recent experiences that confirm that the help from Jersey is making a real difference to the poorest of the poor in Romania, where Mustard Seed is working.


Although Romania is now a member of the EU there is still a depth of need among the poorest that seems little changed from a few years ago. The older Jersey people would be better able to relate to the lack of electricity, the lack of running water, the privy down the garden. This is life for the poorest in Romania.


One of Mustard Seed’s most successful recent projects is the Adopt-A-Granny sponsorship programme, whereby we link someone in Jersey to assist a needy and vulnerable pensioner in the Bihor county of Romania. Statistics show that the poorest and most needy group is the elderly. For pensioners sponsored through our Adopt-A-Granny programme, each pensioner is actively involved in the decision as to how to use the precious money from the sponsor. Most of the pensioners ask to have the money turned into food, which is exceptionally good value as the charity can obtain excellent wholesale prices when buying in bulk.


For the Glemis family – made up of an elderly brother and sister living in a small house on the outskirts of the village – they immediately knew what their dream was – to have an electric light. With their garden and their tiny pensions they had enough food but no light. When we visited them it was dark. Using torches we squelched through the thick mud to their door and they arrived with a candle to greet us.


Their closest neighbours who are a little Baptist church are very willing for the Glemises to connect to the electric pole by their building. What was lacking was the money to make it possible. The wonderful news is that by combining the money given by the two sponsors who assist the brother and sister, there is enough to pay for the connection charge.


Next winter we would expect that the Glemises will not need sponsoring, but as a result of the 2 sponsors this winter they now have light and that makes a huge difference to their lives. In Mustard Seed we thank God for the opportunities and privilege of being able to help make that difference.



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