Morning thought 2 Tuesday Apr 20th


Good morning. It was the first time in approximately 25 years that I did not go to Eastern Europe at all last year. For me It seemed extremely strange and I was very grateful to the Romanian social workers for their photographs and accounts of how well the goods sent over by Mustard Seed Jersey were received.

Alex spoke of the distribution of Christmas shoeboxes to the school children. This proved very complicated as the schools are all closed because of the pandemic but the school authorities recognised the importance and the need for Christmas gifts and arranged for Alex and his team to go into the villages and hand out the packages to the children there. He sent me some wonderful photographs of children with bright beaming smiles clutching their shoeboxes.

I think my favourite photograph is of a young father wearing a face mask carrying a young child . The father is helping the child hold the Christmas shoebox and on top of the shoebox is a loaf of bread.

Nelu is the social worker who organises the bread distribution. As soon as the weather begins to get cold, people turn to Nelu to ask when the bread distribution will start and to plead that it starts quickly. He in turn contacts us and we let him how our appeal for money is going. In 2020 throughout December right up to now in the middle of April he has been distributing loaves of bread each week, thanks to Jersey people’s giving.  .

          In the Bible we read the words of Jesus “Every one to whom much is given, of him or her  much will be required” In this country and this island we have so many resources, and it is surely our responsibility to share with those who have not.



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