Morning thought 3 - Wednesday June 16th


Yesterday I mentioned how over 20 years ago when with Mustard Seed Jersey I was visiting refugees from former Yugoslavia some things were challenging others more lighthearted.

Certainly listening to some of the refugees stories was chilling and heartbreaking.

In one of the refugee houses that we visited in Macedonia I was the only woman in our group on that occasion. So when one of the female refugees began to weep as she spoke about her ordeal of being horribly abused by the soldiers before she fled, it fell to me to try to comfort her. At the time I felt I failed miserably because I was so appalled by what I’d heard that I just cried with her and held her while she sobbed.

20 years on and with the benefit of hindsight I believe I probably did do the right thing in crying with her. Jesus Christ told his followers that they should laugh with those who laugh and weep with those who weep.

Based on the Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi we pray:

Make me a channel of your peace Lord. Grant that I may never seek so much to be consoled as to console. Where there is hatred let me bring your love. Amen




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